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The Reality Of This Point in History?

The Reality of this point in history?

For years now, for some inexplicable reason I have tended to gravitate towards the practice of sleeping all day and working all night. I never quite new why until recently. I used to think it was because I used to perform in bar bands for so many years that it seems like nothing for me to be awake and functioning at 4am. Seems plausible right? Well the other night I went for a walk around 4am, there was almost nobody on the street, all the doors on all the shops were shut tight and locked until morning. The traffic lights meant nothing to me I could cross the street with impunity. There was something eerily peaceful about it. And then, like a bolt of lightening it hit me.

All the doors were locked, I could walk all I wanted to and there was no place to go. There was no communication possible. It's not that there were no rules, it was that there was no one there to care if I broke them. In that split second in time, I felt like the universe was finally being honest with me. It was saying:

"you're on your own"

"all the doors are closed"

"You will always be trapped outside"

"there's nowhere for you to go"

Is This how everyone feels?

Or is it just me?

Doesn't it seem like there is some unseen force that's going to somehow negate anything positive you try to do? You see people on the street during the day and they just feel like non-player characters in some sort of bizarre video game? It's like you're ok, or at least that's how it seems but there is something very wrong and you can't quite put your finger on it? It's like you forgot something, and if you could just remember what it was it would explain everything. If you could just remember, there would come the realization that this isn't actually your real life. You would suddenly realize how to get from where you are, to where you've always wanted to be. Are you awake or asleep? is this a nightmare or a dream? And if it's a dream, maybe it's a lucid dream that you can control, but for some reason you're afraid to even try.

And then you realize that somewhere along the line you lost the ability to impose your will on your surroundings. Somewhere along the line you stopped trying to make the world work for you and you started to learn to live within the narrow beam, a line on the ground that you walk like a slave to governments and organizations, and churches and banks, and traffic lights......

Are you a slave with delusions of freedom? Or a free person that feels like a slave?

Ask yourself this,....Is there really any way to know for certain?
