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Depp Defamation Archives #4 UNCUT (From recently removed court website)


Welcome to the 4th video in my series of archives from the Johnny Depp Defamation Case. The audio is presented here uncut for the purposes of education and entertainment. I have however, and whenever possible cleaned up the audio so it's easier to hear what's being said. Any comments I make in this video are my opinion/speculation as are any of the comments in the comments section. This video contains the entirety of the audio file Plt393A 2.40 to 3.43-CL20192911-051622 from the court records of the Depp Defamation trial. I have added chapter markers to allow you to skip to points of interest. 

If you'd like to support the channel and help out with things like new/better software for cleaning up the audio and keeping the lights on here you can do that through Paypal http://Paypal.me/ZedEssex 

0:00 Video Start. 

0:10 "Tip of an iceberg". 

1:13 To drink or not to drink. 

1:39 Can't imagine why JD would want to escape! 

2:05 Being with AH makes JD vomit. 

3:14 "I'm sorry you're always right". 

3:28 "This seems to be going just great"! 

5:12 "Listen man if the cops bust in here"! 

6:04 "I would not allow my attorneys to do that to you". 

7:56 "Your delivery might spurn another fight"! 

8:30 "We all want it to end"  

9:48 "Why do you hate me so much"?  

10:37 "I said the words, CALL THE DOGS OFF"! 

11:02 "He found Whitney selling shit to People Magazine"?

12:39 "Don't think I broke it"? "I didn't touch it"!

13:10 AH wants a goodbye hug. 

13:48 "I don't know what you fuckin' love but you don't fuckin' love me"! 

15:57 "You don't love me, I don't think you ever did". 

19:00 "Do you want to be with me ever again"? 

20:33 "You want a divorce"? 

22:37 "I did everything I could to make you happy" 

24:05 "Here's the deal, YOU make me crazy"! 

27:20 "You're a leftover fucking over the hill stripper"!
